Business Biopsy
It’s time to take a biopsy of your business
Do you know what’s really going on in your practice?

Where are you now?
SANE will identify by interview what you consider to be the practice’s current inefficiencies and areas of concern. SANE can note disparities and differing perceptions of the basic work practices of the team by following up with questions to the other team members.
Where do you want to be?
You want to know what happens in all departments of your practice. Do you know what stresses your team is undergoing and how are they’re being handled? You should be aware of how your team members are interpreting agreed policies and protocols. Most importantly, are they upholding the practice core values and focusing on the agreed critical success areas?
How are you going to get there?
SANE will visit your practice and conduct a biopsy on a day of your choosing. You will receive a full report that gives numerous observations and recommendations on how to improve the day to day operations of your business.
SANE will visit your practice and be a “fly on the wall” for a day. In a non-intrusive and friendly way we will watch your team at work. We’ll monitor traffic flows and time flows and how equipment is handled and utilized. There’ll be observation of your team members’ interactions with clients and with each other and whether practice protocols and policies are adhered to. We’ll seek out inefficiencies in tasks performed and look for opportunities for improvement.
Back at SANE headquarters, we’ll analyse our findings and compile a substantial, detailed report which will highlight those areas that require attention. We’ll make firm and realistic recommendations about how the issues can be resolved and then follow up with you, in case you need further advice.
Want to find out more about how SANE can improve your clinic with our specialised Business Biopsy? Get in touch through our Contact Us page.
SANE Veterinary Management Solutions,
for when you need a little sanity in your practice...
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