SANE’s one-on-one coaching and mentoring is an incredibly powerful way to get to grips with your leadership challenges. By tapping in to the wealth of experience in the veterinary industry and in life generally, you will be amazed at how rewarding your coaching sessions will be.

Where are you now?
The first coaching session is all about analysing yourself and your desire and willpower to become an effective leader. Together we will refer to your practice’s shared core values and identified critical success areas (from the Core Values, a Vision and a Mission presentation) and discuss your current leadership style.
Where do you want to be?
There are a certain things a leader must be – intuitive, optimistic, confident, a role model, courageous, honest, etc. There are also things that a leader must know about – skills, tools, tasks, teams, human nature. There are also things that a leader must do – motivate, coach, mentor, implement, reward, delegate and make decisions.
These do not come naturally to all and are acquired through continual work, study, training and experience.
How are you going to get there?
SANE will hold a two hour coaching session with you every month or bi-monthly, either face to face or remotely using Skype© or phone. The coaching includes areas such as Self-analysis, Communication, Coaching (motivating) Skills, Personal Time Management, Measurement and Stress Management. We will provide you with some great tools, for example The One Page Plan to help you manage your team, your time and yourself!
If you would like to know more about how SANE can help with Mentoring for your Veterinary Practice, please Contact Us.
SANE Veterinary Management Solutions,
for when you need a little sanity in your practice...
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