Veterinary Conferences
Conference Convening – Proven Success!

SANE has been successfully organising major conferences since 1991 when the first Veterinary Nurses Council of Australia event was held. Since then Sally and Jane have convened over 20 national conferences for major veterinary organisations and numerous seminars and presentations.
SANE Services include:
Venue selection and liaison
- Identify suitable venue options in nominated city.
- Negotiate conference space, catering and accommodation requirements.
- Prepare budget.
- Make recommendations to increase profitability
- Report financial statements as required.
- Report financials post conference.
Commercial exhibition
- Manage commercial exhibition.
- Oversee production of the sponsors’ prospectus.
- Design commercial exhibition.
- Make strategic recommendations regarding the commercial exhibition.
- Establish sponsorship fees in conjunction with Conference budget.
- Oversee correspondence with exhibiting companies.
- Coordinate theme and image design in conjunction with office, graphic designer and publisher.
- Oversee design of Conference Program, Registration forms, Sponsors guide.
- Manage production of pre-conference flyer/s.
- Oversee production of Conference proceedings.
- Assist with satchel, name tags, lanyards and other conference accessories.
- Develop conference marketing plan.
- Oversee conference marketing plan in line with budget.
- Facilitate conference promotion through veterinary industry using print and electronic mailings and web site promotion.
- Make recommendations for social events.
- Coordinate catering and dining options and theme.
- Identify and engage suitable entertainment for social functions.
Technical requirements
- Compile audiovisual requirements, organise quotes, negotiate contract.
- Collate speaker presentations.
- Meet with AV company prior to event.
- Suggest potential speakers.
- Oversee speaker selection.
- Coordinate speaker contracts and notes.
Registration Management
- Oversee the registration process in collaboration with the office team.
- Prepare and collate results of the Conference questionnaire.
SANE has the experience and skills to organise and facilitate conferences for the veterinary industry. For more information, please Contact Us.
SANE Veterinary Management Solutions,
for when you need a little sanity in your practice...
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