Core Values, Vision and Mission

Where are you now?
SANE will identify by interview what you consider to be the practice’s current values. By following up with questions to the remaining team members, SANE can note disparities and differing perceptions of the basic values of the team.
Where do you want to be?
Further interviews and exercises with you will reveal your own vision for the business. This will drive the next stage – SANE will visit your practice to work through an “establishing your core values” presentation with your team. The focus will always be geared towards profit and growth.
Having the values locked in allows great freedom to contemplate the vision for the successful future of the business.
How are you going to get there?
Through brainstorming, we will determine the pathway to achieving the Vision whilst remaining true to the Core Values. The Mission will provide details of the route. SANE will help to develop an action plan including time-frames, allocated human and financial resources.
We’ll keep in touch with you to ensure that you stay on track and succeed in setting your team on track.
Want to find out more about how SANE can identify how your practice can align with it’s core values, vision and mission? Leave us a message via our Contact Us page.
SANE Veterinary Management Solutions,
for when you need a little sanity in your practice...
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